Wednesday 18 July 2012

What If A Franchise Was Run Like a Typical Home Based Business and Residual Income?

Have you ever wondered how a Franchise would do if run like a typical home business? This might give you some idea.

There is something that is long as I live I will never understand. Well I suppose actually there are several things, however right now this is business focused. That something is residual income. I just can’t for the life of me understand how someone can go through life and just continue to work at a job with no plan for residual income. I suppose many people just can’t comprehend that they can have money coming into them while they aren’t working.

There are a number of ways to get residual income like writing a book, or a song. However, these are tough occupations to succeed at.

One of the very best ways to have residual income is good home business in Network Marketing. Network marketing has been criticized, poked fun of, ridiculed and worse. But it’s here to stay and it’s popularity is growing. Often called the poor man’s franchise, with the right company, product and timing a person can actually do much better than a franchise without the expense and headaches that so often accompany a franchise.

Think about this, what would you say is the best most successful stable franchise today? Several come to mind but no one can argue that McDonalds wouldn’t be at or near the top of most lists. So what kind of point am I making here. Simply this, many people argue that home businesses, especially in the area of network marketing don’t work. Well gee whiz if a McDonalds was run the same way the majority of people work their home business the McDonalds would all go out of business.

Here is how the typical McDonalds would be run if run by the typical unsuccessful home businessperson.

When it’s open – I stress the word open, (more on this) it would probably be open less than 1 hour a day. The workers would be sitting around pretending to be working, but accomplishing very little. And then suddenly at a whim the store would abruptly close, perhaps to open again in a few days or even a few weeks. No schedule or hours of operation would be posted when the store was going to be open. After reopening after an absence the workers would just be getting back in the groove of working again when a half hour later the store would close because no customers were coming in. It seemed not knowing when the store would be open was keeping them away – imagine that. Well after a month or so of no customers the store is closed with the owner muttering under his breath. “These franchise things just don’t work!” Then he starts telling all his friends, “I tried one of those franchise things once. They just don’t work!”

This example is easy to see and yet we all wonder why a home business fails when conducted in this same manner. What is great about a home business versus a traditional business is you don’t have to start each day at 8:00, you have a lot of flexibility. However, you don’t have the flexibility not to work for days and weeks at a stretch and engage in poor work habits when you decide to work.

Of course not all the blame can be put on the new home business person, there are some bad programs out there and timing can be bad with others. Of course wrong expectations can mislead many people into discouragement. What do we mean here. Well look at it this way. Very few people would argue that Microsoft would be a poor stock investment today. However, there are people that hype their particular company that has passed it's growth spurt, that you can get rich and retire with their company. This is the same as a dishonest stock broker pushing Microsoft from the angle of it getting ready to explode in value as they will have double digit growth each month for the next 5 years. Hey in the early 80’s Microsoft had this type of growth, just don't expect the growth to continue forever.

The point is there are always new Microsoft’s in the Business and Home Business markets. It’s knowing how to find them that is key. They are out there, home businesses that are rock solid and will experience this type of explosive growth over the next 5 years.

Network Marketing on Auto-Pilot

Are you frustrated with your network marketing business?

Imagine for a moment that you worked in the hi-tech world and you knew everything about the internet, you knew all about computers and internet-marketing and you walked away from that to join a Network Marketing Company? Then you think to yourself, wait a second…what if we could marry that hi-tech with the hi-touch of Network Marketing and I'd never have to do any of those things that I used to do in the hi-tech world. I don't want to go to meetings anymore. I don't want to wear a tie. I don't want to hear an alarm clock. I want to sit at home in my shorts and t-shirt on my time, on my dime and do it the way I want to do it and that's online.

Imagine that you had never gone to a single hotel meeting or given a face to face presentation. Yet you'd built a team in 13 different countries and became the number one sponsor for the last 2 years running in an organization of over 100,000 people in all of the United States.

It's called Technology Empowered Network Marketing and last month I had the privilege of hearing the man who did this speak to a select group of captivated marketers. They had come from all over the world to hear how he'd built a million dollar business completely online, with online tools, the internet and the telephone.

The following is a unique and revealing interview with him about Internetwork-marketing. His name and company are not mentioned here because it's not important. These techniques can be adapted by anyone, for any online product.

Me: Thanks for meeting with me today. Do you mind if I record this?

Him: Not at all

Me: You talked about sorting. You called it separating the serious from the curious. Can you elaborate on that?

Him: Spending the right amount of time with the right people and the least amount as possible with the people that aren't serious is very important. You have to go through a ton of rubble to find an ounce of gold. So why not let your system do all of this sorting for you so you have more time to spend on more important things?

When your system does the sorting 80% of the work is already done for you. A powerful system will welcome the visitor, find out what they are looking for and take them through the basics of having a homebased business. It will also educate them about the industry, invite them to an online webcast presentation and show the visitor how to make money as fast as possible. My system actually notifies me when each of these important steps has been completed.

The right system can enroll a new business partner, train and introduce them to a system they can use themselves.

Me: So they get to see how well it works even before they join you?

Him: Exactly. People join systems. They look for systems they can see themselves doing. Systems that will bring them success and make them money.

Me: In your talk you mentioned how important it is to find the right company and the right team. How did you know you had the RIGHT TEAM?

Him: Well, before I left my job in Corporate America I was tired and very burned out. It wasn't just the work, it was the stressful lifestyle as well. I did my due diligence and found a publicly traded company that made sense and was a good fit for me. I then called the company and asked for their best rep in my area.

After getting all the information online in a timely manner, I contacted the representative from the number on his site and asked him what the next step to get started was. He asked me if I'd like to go to a presentation with more details about the business and I said: "Sure where do we have to meet?" He answered, How about right at your desk? It takes about 45 minutes.
I was still thinking that he was going to come over to my house when he said: "No, you can watch it on a "live" web-cast right on your computer. What's better for you 6pm or tomorrow at noon?"

He clarified that he did everything online and that I could do the same. This made a lot of sense to me and was my introduction to the best way I have found to build a Network Marketing business.

Now, the only time I actually meet my business partners is at the company's annual convention. They come up to shake my hand only because they recognize my voice from our occasional telephone conversations.

Me: That's incredible! You're shaking hands on the Internet.

Him: Yep! In 5 weeks I made my money back. In 4 months I went full-time and in less than 9 months I was up to six figures. After that I streamlined my system, shared it with my team and made them all wealthy as well!

Me: Would you still have been interested if he'd done things the traditional way, like taking you to a hotel meeting?

Him: Maybe, but I don't think so. There's nothing wrong with traditional Network Marketing, it just isn't for me. I have some stereotype hang-ups like most people. I don't like to talk face to face, I'm shy and I hate getting dressed up. Believe me, there's a lot of people like me out there.

I never have to approach my friends and family and I don't have to dress, walk or talk any certain way. Working online removes all the nonsense. Like, gender, race, age, weight, dress. It also eliminates the driving, meetings, hard work and getting ready…is my tie on straight? (laughing)

Me: Most companies out there already have internet tools like websites, flash presentations and voicemail. Can you tell us more about your system? Why does it work so well?

Him: Well, I figured out a system that puts hundreds of fresh business-builders into my business each year and it's simple so that anyone can learn it. It's a 4 step process:

1. Attend an online Webcast
2. Get Started
3. Train
4. Invite others to the Webcast

Then we track from the backend to see where people are in the system.
They usually contact us. It's that simple.

Me: People actually call you to get started?

Him: All the time but understand that not everyone wants to get involved and that's fine. Somebody has to wash the cars and work at McDonald's (laughing) There's never a wrong prospect-Just the wrong time for a prospect.

Me: Anything else?

Him: Something we have built into our system is what we call a third-party presence. Our system recommends it's owner as a lifestyle coach. This recommendation is made by a well-known success expert so the visitor can feel confident and assured that all the information will be presented honestly and in full.

When a well-known author or businessperson is presented as your partner and shares some highly-educational and motivating advice BEFORE introducing you to the new visitor. Everything gets off on the right track from the beginning.

If we take the focus off ourselves, people can listen clearly (without hype) to what's being said and make an educated decision for themselves. Your system should definitely help this happen.

Me: Where do you think people are going wrong with their network marketing online?

Well here's a few things to keep in mind:

1. Don't send people to your company's all-in-one website. It's like going to the new Spielberg movie and knowing that there are 20 scenes going to be shown and you can pick which order to see them in. Would the movie make any sense to you? I doubt it. That's what's happening out there.

2. Beware of companies that just want to sell you leads. There's nothing more frustrating than calling people who were hoping to win an X-box.

3. Don't inundate people with 17 emails in one week and 27 different websites. Present your company in a simple way with internet media.

4. Don't use the same approach and information for everyone. Find out what the person is looking for. Is it: Time Freedom, Wealth, Health, Fire their Boss? Once you know you can get them the information that pertains to their personal concern. Someone that wants to quit their job right away is not going to be interested in a new skincare line.

5. Use a courtesy call technique when you call someone. When the car service center gives a courtesy call to remind you that it's time to have your oil changed, you don't take offence do you? In fact, you're probably glad to hear from them. They're just doing you a favor and being helpful. That's how your return phone calls should be made.

6. Lead with the business and not the products. The fastest way to the big money is to find more people like yourself that want to do the business. Stop chasing the ambulance and concentrate on the Brinks truck.

Me: You were the Number One Sponsor of your company out of 100,000 associates in North America. How's does that feel?

Him: It feels great! This online system allows me to travel with my family whenever I want. Last month I took my family to Hawaii and while the kids were having a nap I just jumped on my laptop and saw that a fellow had been through our system and wanted me to call him. I stood out on the balcony overlooking the beach and when he answered I said this was just a courtesy call to get back with him. My autoresponder had shown me that he had been reviewing my information. How do you like our system, I asked him. Do you think that's something you could do? He answered yes but the best part is when I told him where I am (laughing) and that I'm looking at a beautiful beach with my wife and kids napping at 2 o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon. There's nothing better than living the lifestyle and showing others that it is possible. It's very rewarding!

Me: What about attrition and people quitting?

Him: There's always going to be people who don't follow through but our company did a study on my internet team and our attrition was very, very low. In fact, we retained over 87% of all our new people which astounded everyone. People like this system because this system likes people.

Me: Thanks so much sharing this amazing information with us. Any last words of wisdom?

Him: Marketing is defined as "creating an interest and then filling it." The secret to putting a Network Marketing business on autopilot is to actually use the technology curve to show your new visitor how easy things are done online.

Your next step? To take what you've just learned and put your new business on auto-pilot right away!

Amazing Secrets Of A Free Traffic Generation MASTER

Without traffic to your website, you're not going to make any money in your online business (unless you're able to tap into someone else's traffic).

For many websites... especially new sites, one of the fastest, surest ways to drive traffic to the site is pay per click search engines. The RISK in using pay per clicks is that you don't know how well that traffic is going to convert before you've paid for it. You can adjust your webpages and your pay per click listing fairly quickly, but today I want to share with you two of my MAJOR free traffic generation methods.

The most powerful weapon I've used in my marketing arsenal lately is actually... blogging. A blog is simply an on-line diary or weblog. Since they are usually updated frequently, the search engines love them and visit them often.

The way that I use my blogs is that when I make a post, I include a link to a site or webpage that I want spidered by the search engines. Google actually visits my blogs daily, and takes snapshots of everything there, and follows links from the pages, and takes snapshots of those pages! So, I make minor changes to pages that I want to get ranked higher, and then I "help" Google to find those updated pages. It's a simple, ethical, and very powerful method.

I'm fairly new at blogging, but I'm quickly getting the hang of it. Most of what I know about blogging I learned from a course by my friend Paul Short. The course is called RSS Exposed. I recommend you get a copy of Paul's course today and set aside 2 hours to digest it. Get it at:

Paul is like me... he's very busy, and doesn't have time for fluff. So his course is under 100 pages, and it's all "stuff" that you can read and then immediately implement.

Does this stuff work thought. My friend Stephen Pierce taught me that NOTHING is more powerful than concrete PROOF. So let's look at how I rank for a few keywords that I'm focusing on right now. I'll show you with a few of the more than 100 niches that I have top 10.... often top 3 rankings for. I know that showing you these examples may attract the attention of potential and existing competitors, so I won't show you the most lucrative ones :-)

Readers who know me, know that my real online success started with a simple soul food or southern cookbook! That one cookbook still generates a very nice six-figure income! This season of the year, I know that people are on-line searching for holiday recipes and also gift-giving ideas. My logs show me how my market finds me... keywords and sources. They show that for the cookbook, most find my site through Google, with MSN being a distant second. Here's how I ranked for a few cooking related terms (as of November 21st, 2004):

Soul Food Recipes - #2 out of 1,220,000
Soul Food - #3 out of 8,840,000
Soul Food Cookbook - #2 out of 273,000
Deep Fried Turkey Recipe - #3 out of 257,000
Deep Fried Turkey Recipes - #4 out of 302,000
Sweet Potato Pie - #2 out of 614,000
Sweet Potato Pie Recipe #2 out of 394,000
Fried Chicken Recipe - #2 out of 861,000
Fried Chicken Recipes - #2 out of 1,160,000
Southern Fried Chicken - #2 out of 436,000
Deep Fried Turkey - #14 out of 330,000
Pound Cake Recipe - #2 out of 547,000
Macaroni And Cheese Recipe - #1 out of 207,000
Collard Green Recipe - #4 out of 21,200
Southern Recipes - # 15 out of 4,970,000
... I guess I need to work on that last listing :-)

One of my other markets is "Internet Marketing," and those looking to start or improve upon an online or home-based business. How do I rank there? Here are a few of the thousands of terms that bring me in free search engine traffic (again based upon my website logs):

Internet Marketing 101 - # 1 out of 5,550,000
Internet Marketing Course - #2 out of 10,600,000
Free Internet Marketing Course - #2 out of 11,800,000
Free Internet Marketing Lessons - #2 out of 2,810,000
Homebased Business - #9 out of 1,930,000
Homebased Business Course - #1 out of 522,000
Free Homebased Business Course - #1 out of 483,000

For those of you without your own product, let's see how I do with products I have reprint rights to. One is a web copywriting course by Bob Serling called Power Copywriting For The Internet. When someone is searching for that course they search on very specific terms... but... since their search is so specific, a higher percentage of them will buy when they get to my website. This is a more niche market, but some of my rankings are:

Internet Copywriter + Bob Serling - #1 out of 985
Web Copywriting + Bob Serling - # 7 out of 918
Web Copywriting Course + Bob Serling - #5 out of 16,400
Power Copywriting For The Internet - #2 out of 128,000

Another product that I have reprint rights to is an excellent course on how to increase your website, and advertising, conversion rates. It's called, "Small Changes - Big Profits." Here's my ranking on keywords customers have recently used to find (and buy) this product:

Increase Website Conversion - #6 out of 2,480,000
How to Increase Website Conversion - # 6 our of 2,490,000
Note that when you enter that last phrases, Google tells you that "how to" is a very common phrase and therefore not included in the search. However, notice that Google found an additional 10,000 pages when I gave it that expression. Ok, so I'm confused too :-)

My second most powerful weapon right now is that I write lots of ezine articles... like this one. Since 1998, I would estimate that I've written over 300. Those articles are a very powerful way of getting one-way links to my site. Those articles are a powerful way for people with specific problems or interest to find my sites.

Here's a simple example of how powerful articles can be. I know for a fact that the majority of people in network marketing aren't doing that great. I also know why. The proof that I know what they are doing wrong, and how to correct it, is provided by the fact that I was recently the #2 producing representative in a major network marketing company for 2 consecutive months. The only reason I wasn't #2 longer is that I've only been with the company a little over 4 month, and that in my fourth month, I was the #1 top producing rep in the entire company!

Recognizing what many network marketers are doing wrong... especially those that market over the internet, I wrote an article on the topic. This article targeted those who wanted to know why their network marketing is failing. So if you go to Google and enter...

"Network Marketing Failing" without the quotation marks, you'll see that the returns for webpages featuring my article take up the entire first page. If a person were to type in the statement "My Network Marketing Is Failing" my page ranks #1 out of 312,000. Do people search on these terms? Not as many as search on more competitive terms, but why not go after easier terms... why not go after "the low-hanging fruit."

People do visit my sites after reading the hundreds of articles that I've written, and they do make purchases and join my network marketing team. That's proof that writing and properly using articles is a very powerful traffic generation technique. I have lots of resources on how to properly do this inside my private membership site. If you're not a member, you should join today. Inside the site you'll find lots more solid, usable information like you just gotten in this article.

I've just shared with you two of my most powerful free traffic generation methods. I actually know HUNDREDS but only use a handful. I believe that it's better to get really good at using a few rather than tinkering with (but never mastering) many. You need to do your research and find the techniques that work best for you.

If you'd like a really comprehensive course on website traffic and sales generation methods, I recommend John Reese's Traffic Secrets Course. Check out John's course to learn a ton of ways to outflank your competition at:
It's 14 DVD's, so realize that it will throw a LOT of information at you. Make sure that you pick just a few techniques he covers, and then put them into immediate action rather than letting the sheer volume of information overwhelm you.

The Two Main Factors For Success In A Network Marketing Home Based Business.

People are a strange lot. People that are successful are often the biggest encourager of others to help them also be successful. While unsuccessful or mediocre people usually discourage others from being successful. Mediocre people will say things like don’t waste your time, or those things don’t work. A large part of this negative attitude is because very few people want to see someone do better than themselves. It’s like if they can’t be successful they don’t want their friends being successful.

That is not what people need in a world of underachievers. In reality the Bill Gates' of the world should not be considered as super achievers, but as people simply reaching their potential in life.

Most everybody in life has the ability to really excel in one or more areas, but the overwhelming majority are born, and then die having never come close to achieving what they had the potential to accomplish.

Food for Thought: Why is it that the more someone achieves after they reach a certain point the more people will jump on their bandwagon to cheer them on to greater heights? No where is this more evident than the professional athlete, who can be argued has reached one of the top spots in his/her field. A rare breed indeed that fans will cheer for, in effect encouraging them to do even more. At least until the athlete starts performing below standard at which point they are often booed. It’s a funny fickle world we live in.

So what does this often do with a home business and network marketing? A good question and quite frankly the answer is something most people miss and as a result aren’t as successful as they could be.

There are I believe two main factors for success in a network marketing home business. Simply this:

First can the person be made to see it or get it. This is like trying to describe a first kiss to someone who hasn’t experienced it. But once you experience it for the first time you know it. But the best way to describe this is like a light bulb going off in your head, or one of those moments in school when you struggled to understand a math problem and then one day in a flash in came to you and you got it. Or an ah-ha! Moment! A person must be made to see that he or she has a unique opportunity to do very well with a particular product or company. At that point their success is almost guaranteed, as they will move heaven and earth to get what they want.

However, if they never get to that point it’s like a death sentence of failure.

The second critical thing to success is encouragement. In a world that so often tries to tear down people and discourage them from achieving their dreams and goals it is very important to encourage and root for those people in your home based network marketing business. Many of these people are too often downtrodden and discouraged from life and they would greatly benefit from someone rooting them on to the finish line.

The "Why" Factor In Network Marketing Success

n the popular Reality TV show, "Fear Factor", contestants recruited from across the USA compete in both physically and mentally challenging stunts for the grand prize of $50,000. These brave hearts dive through underwater mazes, jump from helicopters, and eat the most disgusting dishes served up with maggots, rotting cheese, pig's eyes and such. The natural question that comes to you as the viewer is, "Would I do that for $50,000?"

In fact, many contestants walk away from a chance to win the final prize out of sheer fear or disgust at the challenges. Yet the lucky winner often walks away with just a few bruises and an upset stomach but $50,000 richer than before.

The viewers get a peek into the mindset of the contestant through the answers given to the host's questions about why they wanted to be on the show. Many times it's just for the money-no surprises there- but other times there are 'more noble' reasons such as to get out of debt, pay for a child's college, or prove to other family members their stoicism.

When preparing for a stunt and during the performance itself, the host will often shout to the contestants a reminder of the prize they are working towards and their reasons for being there. This often proves a great motivator for some contestants who were about to give up.

This may just be Reality TV but there are many lessons here that can be applied to having a successful Network Marketing career. Just from viewing a few episodes of "Fear Factor" it becomes obvious that there are many contestants who entered just for the chance to be on television. Elimination at the first round is inconsequential because they would have accomplished their 'dream'. In the same way, there are many people who join a MLM opportunity just for the fun of it. They have no set goals, plans or burning desire to succeed. This is a sure recipe for failure.

Your chances for success in Network Marketing are only as strong as your "why". When faced with the challenging moments it's your "why" that will keep you going.

Even though money is a great motivator I can boldly suggest that it's not enough. Just think about it: we don't really need more money just what that money affords us. In fact, the most important things in life-family, health, love, freedom-can't really be bought. There is many a rich man who would pay his entire fortune to regain his health sacrificed to gain his wealth.

At the same, time there are many people who continue working into their retirement years because they enjoy the work even more than the monetary reward. Money is a lot, but it's not all.

Here is where goal setting becomes paramount because your goal is intimately attached to your reason for doing the business. If your 'reason why' is to get your kids through college then your goal will be proportionate to that reason. When obstacles get in your way then these setbacks are measured against your ultimate goal and your priority will become apparent in whichever wins: your goal or the temporary setback.

Many people approach network marketing with a lottery mentality. They hope that their investment will luckily pay off in some grand stroke of luck. But no business works that way. A good sponsor versus a recruiter understands their people's "why" and can use it to help them achieve focus and a long term plan. A strong "why" becomes like an anchor that sees network marketers through the highs and lows of doing the business. As Winston Churchill said, "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm".

We are often charmed and inspired by the 'rag to riches' story of people who overcame great odds and abject poverty to become very wealthy. What drove these people to financial success were not so much the prospects of wealth but the disgust with poverty. They hated their situation and they converted this hatred into a positive force that motivated them to take action. There was no looking back because they were too familiar with what was behind them.

History is replete with stories of people who overcame great odds to excel in their fields. Only recently, Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France for the seventh consecutive time despite his battle with cancer. Did you know that Beethoven was deaf and John Milton was blind?

A classical example of the results of having an unconquerable "why" is found in the life of one of greatest presidents of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. He failed as a business man, a farmer and in his first attempt to obtain political office. When elected to the legislature he failed when he sought the office of speaker. He failed in his first attempt to go to Congress. He failed when he sought the appointment to the United States Land Office. He failed when he ran for the United States Senate and failed when friends sought for him the nomination for the Vice-Presidency in 1856. But he was finally elected president in 1860.

Passionate desire and a strong will to succeed in spite of obstacles are far more important than raw talent. In network marketing it's not the gifted leader or speaker that reaches the pinnacle of success but ordinary people with extra-ordinary "whys," they MUST succeed.

Unlike in the "Fear Factor" TV show, to succeed in your own business you won't have to jump out of moving helicopters, eat beetles and slugs or walk a tight rope stretched between thirty-story buildings, but you must possess the same passion of a $50,000 winner. The great thing about Network Marketing is that there is room for more than just one winner ... and $50,000 is a joke when you really consider the number of millionaires this industry has produced.

So how strong is your "why"? Your answer to this simple question will determine your success in this home business venture more than any other single factor.

Are You Still Broke With 10,000 People In Your Downline?

How many hype-filled emails have you received by someone who recently joined a network marketing company and in only a few weeks had over 1000 members in their downline? They encouraged you to get in early because this one was "really growing fast." They encouraged you to get in on the ground floor to take advantage of all of the momentum and guaranteed "spillover."

I get these almost daily.

Do these emails excite you? They shouldn't because they attempt to fill you with emotional excitement rather than encouraging you to look at things objectively. Any business that you're thinking of investing your time and other resources in should be looked at long and hard! Do your due diligence just as you should with any major business decision.

One of the first questions you should ask someone pushing you to join under them is, "How much money have you made?" Or just ask them, "Have you made any money at it yet?"

If they haven't made any money at it yet, then you need to bring them back to reality by asking them to explain how they can get so excited about it then. Find out all that you can about the company, it's management, and other projects that the management has been involved in.

Here's a sobering fact shared with me by mentors who have been in network marketing since the late 1950's... 97% of all MLM companies fail (90% within the first three years). Does that mean that you shouldn't get involved in MLM? No, but it does mean that you should probably only get involved in companies that have already proven themselves. I was personally taught to only look at companies at least 5 years old.

Why be the guinea pig for an unproven company when you have so many choices? Why go against the odds by going with an unproven company?

So why do people get so excited about new launches, and what's wrong with that?

People get drawn into the hype of the massive potential of new launches because they are looking for a way to generate massive income - with no work. It's as simple as that. Even though they know that there's no such things as a free lunch, they convince themselves that maybe they've finally found one :-)

Think about this for a second.... most of those people who rush into a new lauch are people already involved in network marketing. They know that the concept is very powerful, and is the best chance that the average person has today to create a successful business of their own. The problem with most of the people attracted to these companies is that they lack commitment. So as soon as they see another company that, on the surface, appears more attractive, they're going to jump over to that one.

Here's the real problem with the whole scenario layed out above. Who's producing the sales? Where is the income coming from? If everybody is jumping in... often for free... and then counting on others underneath them to generate the revenue, then who is actually making the sales necessary to make that company a success? Sales, and proper training, drive any business' success.

Ok, you should'nt fall for all of the hype, but we do know that network marketing works. How does it work then? It works by people like you being trained by someone who has a system in place for bringing in new people - and training them properly. The system has to be something that the average person, who is also willing to work, can easily learn and pass on. It's that simple.

You won't have any major, lasting success in network marketing until you focus on finding and properly training a few good people. They have to be provided with a system that they can easily duplicate and that they can teach to their new recruits.

One of the early mistakes in my networking business was not focusing on this specific area. I'm a skilled marketer with a huge list, better than average copywriting skills, and name recognition. Those assets made it easy for me to generate new signups.

New signups weren't what I needed to focus on. It's not what you need to focus on. Reflect upon the title of this article. That's the question you need to ask yourself. If you don't like what you see, then obviously you need a different system.

Anyone that you do signup is only going to be productive and help build your business if they are properly trained. Being human, there is a limit as to how many people you.... one person, can effectively train, manage, and motivate. So you need to focus on properly training just a handful, and having each of that handful do the same. Continue this through several levels and you can have that huge organization, but with a big difference...

You'll have a huge organization of properly trained, producing members, who know how to bring in even more people and properly train them. That's how your organization grows into the tens of thousands and even beyond.

One other very important point about the system necessary for your success... The training needs to be formalized and packaged so that new members can be "plugged right in."

If you want to see an example of such a system in operation, check out:
This is a system that evolves around providing training and support to team members. Team members have ready access to formalized training put together by top producers in the company. Team members have ready access to other team members on all levels. The day that I joined this team, I received emails (with phone numbers) from 3 different people.

The other reason that I wanted you to take a look at that website is that you won't see any mention of building a huge downline. It's not necessary. The top producer in the company in August 2004 is a member of this team. So is the number 2 producer for that month (that would be me). However, if you study the site, you'll see that it's not about large numbers... they only impress those who don't know any better.

You can build a business that will provide the lifestyle that you want for yourself and your family. You won't do it by being swept up by all of the hype surrounding the launch of "the latest and greatest." Instead you'll do it by taking a long hard look at any company that you're contemplating, and asking lots of probing questions. You'll do it by acknowledging that there still is no such thing as a free lunch, but there are people who've already done what you want to do who are willing to teach you.

Identifying Some Common Work At Home Success Characteristics

Do people that are successful in home based businesses share
some common characteristics and, if so, what are the primary

The dictionary defines successful as:

*having a favorable outcome, or
*having obtained something desired or intended, or
*having achieved wealth or eminence

When applied to a home business, I think the definition of the
word successful involves a combination of financial gain, time
flexibility, and being able to call your own shots (being your
own boss). The order of importance will vary from person to

I have had the good fortune to be quite successful with
home-based internet businesses. No, that is not completely
accurate, I have had success because I have invested a lot of
sweat equity in my work at home business activities.

Having spent many years in the corporate world, I am a firm
believer in the team aspect of business and so I naturally
gravitated toward network marketing instead of trying to go
solo selling products/services and competing with the big players
like Yahoo, Amazon and the other well known names.

After doing considerable research, I found a very well
established and financially solid internet-based company to work
with. Using my business experience in the "offline world" and
developing my internet marketing skills on the fly in an OJT
(aka: on-the-job-training) format, things have gone very well and
I recently spent some time trying to identify some of the primary
traits that are common in my most successful team members.

Whether you're breeding bird dogs, or race horses, or drafting
college football players to play in the's important to
develop "markers" that can be very useful in predicting success.
From my offline, traditional, business experience I have known
this from the get-go, but for some reason I was slow to learn
(or, was it re-learn?) that identifying the people with a high
likelihood of success is even more important when developing an
online network marketing business that depends upon teamwork.

Reflecting back on many of the truly successful people I have
worked with in network marketing, I made a list of the numerous
success factors that emerged when I assessed each person
individually. After compiling the list, three factors seemed to
stand out as being the most common success indicators. In no
particular order, these factors were:

*approaching the business with a long term perspective. It takes
a lot of time to become an "overnight success"

*exhibiting the tenacity of a pit bull

*being able to ride the emotional roller coaster (two steps
forward and one step back) in the early stages of developing
the business

Just because a person has these characteristics, it does not
ensure success and, on the flip side, a person is not necessarily
doomed to failure just because he or she does not possess them

Network Marketing Success Starts With You!

There are many different techniques that successful network marketers have used, and it is tempting to look at another system, think that's far easier, and try to change what you are already doing. A big mistake! Find a system that works and don't let yourself be distracted. When your income is secure then perhaps you can experiment, but even then it could slow your progress.

Success for a network marketer starts in the mind. More than any other business you need to have a positive attitude. Remember this key point if nothing else. Believe that you will build a business and you are on your way. If you have doubts they will slowly sabotage your success, and this can be amplified if the only people you associate with don't understand what you are doing.

This is the reason that traditional networking companies have opportunity meetings and sizzle sessions. So that you associate with like minded individuals who are positive and goal-oriented, and so that their knowledge and belief rubs off on you. If your company is internet based you will find that they have conference calls, forums and chatrooms to keep people motivated and focussed.

Information about your product and recommended promotional techniques can be discussed, but the most important benefit of these real life, or virtual, meetings is that they help to keep your attitude about your life and business positive.

A good network marketing company will supply you with a list of recommended books. Some even go so far as to say, "I will not work with you unless you read X, Y, and Z". A good diet of positive and motivational books will build your belief in yourself and your business, and can serve as an alternative or an add-on to your meetings.

Your own mind is the biggest barrier to success in network marketing, and the influence you allow others to have over it. The development of a great communication system with people in your upline and your team is the key to any networking system. You can distribute flyers, business cards and put up notices, but if you don't connect with other people in your business, and maintain a positive attitude your networking business will stagnate.

But if you work hard at improving your attitude, and use the above tools to dispel any doubts you may have you will find that your network marketing business will grow by leaps and bounds. As they say, "it's all in the mind"!


So you have decided to join a network marketing company with the goal of building a successful home business! How do you know if you have what it takes to succeed? Do you even know what it takes to succeed?

As a long-term owner of a store-front business, and as an experienced network marketer, I would like to make some comparisons of a conventional store-front type of business, to a home-based network marketing business.

If you were planning to purchase a conventional business of some kind, perhaps, an appliance business or a shoe store, you would be asking some specific questions before investing your hard-earned money. You would want to consider the following:
v Does it have stability, or is it a risky new start-up venture?
v How hard will it be to acquire customers for my product or service?
v How long will it take to break even and then make a profit?
v How much time do I have to devote to this business?
v Is there a mentor nearby who will teach me the business?
v Am I willing to stick with this even though there may be a number of obstacles to overcome & not everything goes right all the time?

Your list of questions could go on and on.

Now let’s turn to another scenario. Instead of purchasing a conventional business, you find many “opportunities” on the internet. Network marketing, of course, has the great benefit of enabling you to build a residual income from the comfort of your own home at a much lower start-up cost. However, there is much “hype” on the internet, countless websites really look great, and they make success sound so easy, that it can be deceiving to the average person..

So when the person joins a good company and doesn’t make big bucks in a few weeks, it is easy for him to think that the fault is with the company. Meanwhile, he’s received 14 other great offers that make it sound easier than what he just joined. He quits before even getting started and joins another company. Usually the second opportunity doesn’t work either, and he goes to number three, number four, etc. Generally the new start-up opportunities will not last long, will fail, and may even just disappear. Unfortunately, at this point a person may have spent a lot of time and money just chasing rabbits.

How can this merry-go-round of failures be avoided? Here are 7 common sense MLM business tips that I believe will help you avoid this cycle of failures:
1. Find out how stable the company is. Is it a new start-up venture? If so chances are it will not be around for the long haul. Remember, you only have a future if your company has a future!
2. How much time will you be able to personally devote to this business? With network marketing, not only does it take some time to recruit people into your business, but you also have a responsibility to communicate with and try to help the people who have joined you.
3. Can you believe in the products? If you truly believe in your company’s product line, people will see your enthusiasm and be more likely to join you.
4. Are you willing to make a commitment to just the one company for at least 6 months? Most successful network marketers say you should stick with it and work it hard for at least a year. Very few marketers can do justice to promoting more than one or two network marketing companies at the same time. If you spread yourself too thin, you are less likely to succeed with any of them.
5. Is it the kind of business that you could be happy telling your friends about? For example, even though my primary way of marketing is on the internet, my company has some products that have helped me so much, I just naturally want to share their benefits with my friends.
6. Is there a system in place to help you build your business? Most good companies these days do provide their distributors with workable business tools to help them market their business both locally, and on the internet.
7. If your company provides you with a good website, how will you get people to take a look at your website? Having a support system that actually will bring people to your website for you can be the difference in success or failure for many of us.

If you are a person who wants to build either a part-time or full-time residual income from the comfort of your own home, I hope you will realize that it is better to find a good company and stick with it, than to jump from opportunity to opportunity looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Don’t be an “MLM Junkie!” Work it like a business and you will certainly increase your odds for success!

Building "Depth"

If you've been in network marketing for only a short time you may have found it hard to get people to sign up for your business, especially if you are doing all the work yourself. A much better way to go about things is to find say 5 to 10 people (people not leads) who you can develop a relationship with, show them how the business works and have them duplicate the process. This builds depth in your multi-"level"-marketing business, takes some of the load off your shoulders, and will make your business grow much quicker. Your "premium leads" become your partners and when they see how you take personal interest in them and their success they can demonstrate the same thing to their prospects and we all look at lead generation in a whole new light.

Do You Have The Right Stuff For Home Based Business Success?

Have you ever wondered if people that are successful in home
based businesses share some common characteristics and, if so,
what are the primary ones?

The dictionary defines successful as:

*having a favorable outcome, or
*having obtained something desired or intended, or
*having achieved wealth or eminence

When applied to a home business, I think the definition of the
word successful involves a combination of financial gain, time
flexibility, and being able to call your own shots (being your
own boss). The order of importance will vary from person to

I have had the good fortune to be quite successful with
home-based internet businesses. No, that is not completely
accurate, I have had success because I have invested a lot of
sweat equity in my work at home business activities.

Having spent many years in the corporate world, I am a firm
believer in the team aspect of business and so I naturally
gravitated toward network marketing instead of trying to go
solo selling products/services and competing with the big players
like Yahoo, Amazon and the other well known names.

After doing considerable research, I found a very well
established and financially solid internet-based company to work
with. Using my business experience in the "offline world" and
developing my internet marketing skills on the fly in an OJT
(aka: on-the-job-training) format, things have gone very well and
I recently spent some time trying to identify some of the primary
traits that are common in my most successful team members.

Whether you're breeding bird dogs, or race horses, or drafting
college football players to play in the's important to
develop "markers" that can be very useful in predicting success.
From my offline, traditional, business experience I have known
this from the get-go, but for some reason I was slow to learn
(or, was it re-learn?) that identifying the people with a high
likelihood of success is even more important when developing an
online network marketing business that depends upon teamwork.

Reflecting back on many of the truly successful people I have
worked with in network marketing, I made a list of the numerous
success factors that emerged when I assessed each person
individually. After compiling the list, three factors seemed to
stand out as being the most common success indicators. In no
particular order, these factors were:

*approaching the business with a long term perspective. It takes
a lot of time to become an "overnight success"

*exhibiting the tenacity of a pit bull

*being able to ride the emotional roller coaster (two steps
forward and one step back) in the early stages of developing
the business

Just because a person has these characteristics, it does not
ensure success and, on the flip side, a person is not necessarily
doomed to failure just because he or she does not possess them

Common Work At Home Success Characteristics

Do people that are successful in home based businesses share
some common characteristics and, if so, what are the primary

The dictionary defines successful as:

*having a favorable outcome, or
*having obtained something desired or intended, or
*having achieved wealth or eminence

When applied to a home business, I think the definition of the
word successful involves a combination of financial gain, time
flexibility, and being able to call your own shots (being your
own boss). The order of importance will vary from person to

I have had the good fortune to be quite successful with
home-based internet businesses. No, that is not completely
accurate, I have had success because I have invested a lot of
sweat equity in my work at home business activities.

Having spent many years in the corporate world, I am a firm
believer in the team aspect of business and so I naturally
gravitated toward network marketing instead of trying to go
solo selling products/services and competing with the big players
like Yahoo, Amazon and the other well known names.

After doing considerable research, I found a very well
established and financially solid internet-based company to work
with. Using my business experience in the "offline world" and
developing my internet marketing skills on the fly in an OJT
(aka: on-the-job-training) format, things have gone very well and
I recently spent some time trying to identify some of the primary
traits that are common in my most successful team members.

Whether you're breeding bird dogs, or race horses, or drafting
college football players to play in the's important to
develop "markers" that can be very useful in predicting success.
From my offline, traditional, business experience I have known
this from the get-go, but for some reason I was slow to learn
(or, was it re-learn?) that identifying the people with a high
likelihood of success is even more important when developing an
online network marketing business that depends upon teamwork.

Reflecting back on many of the truly successful people I have
worked with in network marketing, I made a list of the numerous
success factors that emerged when I assessed each person
individually. After compiling the list, three factors seemed to
stand out as being the most common success indicators. In no
particular order, these factors were:

*approaching the business with a long term perspective. It
often takes a long time to become an "overnight success"

*exhibiting the tenacity of a pit bull

*being able to ride the emotional roller coaster (two steps
forward and one step back) in the early stages of developing
the business

Just because a person has these characteristics, it does not
ensure success and, on the flip side, a person is not necessarily
doomed to failure just because he or she does not possess all
three of them.

Saturday 14 July 2012

How to leverage the Internet in MLM

Most people who try to leverage the Internet to build their MLM business wake up to the rude awakening that Network Marketing in the Internet age requires a whole lot more than just having a web site.

Your marketing system should fulfill four critical functions in order to peek the interest of your prospect to the point where they either come back to you for more information, or they remove themselves from the prospect pool.

First of all, your system should promote you as a professional. This adds to your credibility and makes it much easier for your prospects to understand that you are serious about your business and that you are capable of helping them.

To accomplish this, whatever resource you use to begin to promote your business should somehow be professionally labeled or marked as coming from you. This is not to say that you must be the author or presenter of the material, but that material should be accompanied buy some promotional entity which depicts you as the deliverer of professional information.

If your resources are on-line, you should have a professional looking photo and/or a short professional bio on the web site.

By promoting yourself first as a reliable source of information, you will build trust and rapport with your prospects, increasing their chances of allowing you the privilege of helping them solve their unwanted condition.

The second critical function of your marketing system should be to emotionally engage your prospect so that they can relate to the information on a personal level. By presenting an emotionally compelling presentation, your prospect’s mind will be more accepting to the information that follows.

Remember that the reason your prospect is examining your information in the first place is because they have indicated a specific discontent that they need to have serviced. Your marketing system should remind them of the feelings of discontent that they experience, so that they become excited about the possibility of solving that discontent.

Since most decisions are made based on how we feel, it is critical that your prospect become emotionally involved. This emotional involvement will help your prospect to make the decision to continue exploring your information.

Appeal to your prospects emotional senses using specific questioning, a generic audio, video or on-line presentation which brings your prospect’s sense of discontent back to the surface in order to prepare them for the next step.

The third function of your marketing system should be to educate your prospect so that your prospect is clear that this is a network marketing business.

In a previous article entitled “100% Rejection Free MLM Prospecting”, I provided the following advice, and it’s worth repeating here because it is highly critical to the effectiveness of your on-line prospecting initiatives:

Don’t trick your prospects into attending a meeting or live presentation if they are unaware that your business is MLM. This turns people off, and makes them feel manipulated and it puts you in a position where you may have to deal with those objections yourself.

Use a system that informs the prospect of the MLM nature of your business without your input. That way, you will not attract difficult questions from your prospect. If your prospect is completely un-accepting of the MLM business model, they will bow out of the process at this point.

By using a video or other tool to inform your prospect that your business in Network Marketing, you allow the prospect to absorb and consider that information on their own time on their own terms. They will be much more appreciative of this consideration than if they had invested time to attend a lengthy “opportunity meeting”

You want to know if your prospect is resistant to the MLM business model at this point so that you can stop investing time in trying to recruit someone who does not want to be recruited. This is a major problem area for most inexperienced network marketers.

The fourth function of your marketing system is to pre-qualify your prospect by requiring some sort of action on the part of the prospect.

Maybe they have to fill in a form on-line, or complete a short questionnaire. If your prospect completes the required action, after they have been educated, that will tell you that your prospect understands that your business is MLM and they are accepting of the concept and they are likely open to exploring your offerings further…otherwise they would not have completed the process.

The reason this is so important is because by giving your prospect a task to complete, you are pre-qualifying their level of commitment to solving their discontent, and you are giving them an easy way out in that if they decide that they are not interested in following through any further, they simply wont complete the task.

This removes the rejection factor completely from the equation, and allows you to invest your time only with those prospects who have demonstrated a sincere interest by completing the tasks requested of them.

The marketing system that I use is a compilation of generic systems, connected together to form an effective and easy to follow marketing and pre-qualification system which can be used by any network marketing professional in any network marketing business.

I recommend that you visit the MLM Executive Roundtable website at the URL below and subscribe to the MLM Daily Meeting Minute, a free 30 day audio program that will provide you with proven Network Marketing tips, hints and suggestions each day for 30 days.

The MLM Dilemma

Does this sound familiar...?

You have taken ALL of the company training, listened to the tapes, recorded phone calls and live conference calls, read all the company materials and tried the products. You bought some inventory, made business cards, set up the web site that the company provided for you.

You have purchased leads, set up an e-mail campaign and told everyone you know about your awesome company, the cutting edge products and the lucrative compensation were exited, motivated, dedicated, enthusiastic, positive and committed and yet...your results are dismal.

If all of that sound familiar, I have news for are one of the roughly 95% of people in MLM that have been completely wasting your time, money and infinitely more important...your life! Keep reading...there IS hope!!

I know that there are people in your company who are doing well...making tons of money...but here's the question...can you REALLY duplicate what they are doing??

What is it that the people who are on top have that you don't have? Well, there's bad news...and there's good news!

The bad news is that if you were to take a close look at the top performers in your company, you might notice a few things such as:

1. They have above average communication skills. They can walk into a room or stand in front of an audience and command attention. They just have that skill. Most people can't do that! In fact, the number one fear in North America is public speaking!

2. Maybe they are able to work 22.5 hours per day without sleeping. Some people just have the metabolism that allows them to do far more in a day than others. Most people can't do that either!

3. Maybe they had money to begin with and were able to purchase a position in the company which allowed them to maximize their income potential...most people can't do that either!

4. Maybe they are great salespeople. Maybe they don't mind getting 100 rejections in order to recruit one person, but most people can't do that either!

The point is that there are any number of things that allow some people to just outperform others and usually it's because they really do have some quality, characteristic or skill that others just don't have. This allows them to build enormous organizations only a VERY small percentage of those people actually earn them the big money, and it's normally people who happen to have the same outstanding skills.

After I studied this over many months of failing miserably in MLM...I asked myself this question; ”Where the heck does that leave an average guy like me??" That brings us to the good news!

The good news is that there are people just like me; average people with average skills making a substantial living with Network Marketing, and so can you.

You don't need the "gift of gab" or tons of money to buy your position and you don't need to work 22.5 hours per day or to withstand an onslaught of rejection. So what does the average person need to make a fortune in Network Marketing?

You need only two things:

1. A System that can be duplicated by anyone
2. Education as to how to properly deploy that system

The system can be either automated or not as long as the process takes the prospect through specific steps and brings them to a point where they can decide weather or not they are interested in seeing more.

A good automated system will walk the prospect through the following steps:

1. Attention: I have found that the best way to catch attention is to reduce the flashiness of the presentation. The best attention grabbing tool is a very well written introduction abut YOU, the marketer.

2. Interest: Maintain the prospects interest by providing something with which they can relate. Claims of riches tend to alienate most qualified prospects who are not interested in the hype…they are interested in content. Your system needs to provide strong content which allows the prospect feel that they know you a little.

3. Education: The prospect should learned something new. Some actual valuable information that makes them understand that you have a legitimate business opportunity. Education regarding Network Marketing would be best because it can help you pre-qualify your prospect and eliminate that “pyramid” objection.

4. Desire: By the end of the presentation, your prospect should want more information from you. If your system gives away to much information, the prospect will have no reason to speak with you again.

This is where most people drop the ball, especially when using automated systems. Most people think that their on-line system is going to do the recruiting for them.

I have seen many times when a marketer considers the flash presentation on their company website to be their entire automated prospecting system. The problem with this is that the company website gives away the entire story and rarely leaves the prospect in a state of desire. The prospect can make a final decision without ever having to get to know the marketer. This puts the company, product, or compensation plan in the forefront of the prospect’s mind, instead of the exciting potential of the Network Marketing business itself.

A strong automated prospecting system is just that…a prospecting system, not a recruiting system. We can not exclude personal relationship building from the Network Marketing equation. Which brings us to the second requirement for success in Network Marketing…training.

Training is perhaps the most neglected part of our business. Rule number one is that you should never ever lead with your company, your product or your compensation plan...the reason is very simple...NO ONE CARES!!! Here's why...

When you lead with your business, your products, your opportunity or your comp plan, you are talking about what is important to YOU, not to the prospect. They might listen to you out of courtesy or respect for you, and you might sign up a few people along the way, but your chances of building a solid business in the manner are slim because this approach is not “duplicateable” by most people.

In order for the prospecting process to be effective, you really must build a relationship with your prospect before you introduce your company. This can be done using a combination of your automated system and personal follow-up.

Network Marketing success requires that you deploy a balance of properly designed automation, and training on how to develop a personal relationship with the prospect.

If the automated system is properly designed, and the training is effective in teaching the basics, then the average person can do exceptionally well in Network Marketing.

Friday 13 July 2012

MLM Network Marketing Success Secret - Own The Product

Did I hear you say that these are not your products? These
are somebody else's?

Well, well, they say that there is a thin line dividing
success and failure.

And they also say that it's all in the mindset.

I strongly believe in these statements. Together they mean
that a subtle change in the thinking pattern can transform
failure into success.

Affiliate marketing or MLM network marketing has provided
earning opportunity to scores of people. By all indications
this form of market promotion is here to stay for a long

When an affiliate tries to sell a product for some one else,
why would or why should people believe him? What will
project him as a person whom people can trust?

Many of the affiliate programs give their affiliates web pages with affiliate links. These can be pages for sales, memberships, or simply for information. An affiliate can display these pages by various means. He remains in the background and hopes that these pre-made web pages will attract people to take a desirable action.

While this approach works in many cases, much better options are available in MLM network marketing or affiliate

What I am discussing further is for those who have decided to stay in network or affiliate marketing business for longer term and who wish to make a difference by their own efforts.

How can an affiliate influence decisions of his prospective customers? By coming out of the background and offering his opinions, reviews or recommendations. He has various means of reaching out to the interested people – articles, own website, press release, advertisements, mailing to opt-in list - to name just a few.

When the affiliate offers his views or recommendations to others and expects them to act on his call-to-action, it is imperative that he really knows about the product or service he is trying to promote. Just knowing about the product is not sufficient, he should be able to present his case with conviction, feeling and passion.

This is where “owning” the product comes in. If the affiliate doesn’t like the product, he shouldn’t be selling it in the first place. However, if he has decided to promote and sell the product, he needs to know the product so well that he develops a feeling for it. He can consider buying and using the product himself so that he can narrate his first-hand experience. In any case he should try to sell only those products which he truly approves. It should be as if he “owns” the product with all its merits and demerits and is prepared to vouch for its credibility.

He should project his views with true feelings and compassion as a result of his owning the product or accepting the product as his own. If he is less than sincere in his approach, it will somehow show thru and people will most likely not listen to him. True conviction can come only when he truly associates himself with what he is trying to sell.

Even when he puts his heart and soul in his presentation, not many people will believe him in first instance. He will need to develop means (such as a mailing list) to communicate with interested people repeatedly, gradually building his case and persuading them to buy. All thru this process the sincerity and conviction of the affiliate should be clearly visible.

This process has additional fallout which in my opinion is more important. The affiliate builds up his image as someone who is an expert in his field and can be trusted. This image will ensure his income in future. His credibility will be his most important asset.

He will be able to build relationship with his long term customers. This is a gradual process, may take time but creates a solid foundation for future business.

And it all started with his “owning” and endorsing the product in the first place. This is the real foundation for a successful MLM network marketing business.

Creating Wealth with Network Marketing: Getting Rich in 30 days.

In my last article I discussed the 3 Business Models for Creating Wealth on the Internet. In this article I would like to go into detail on how to create wealth with Network Marketing. And I will teach you how to do it in 30 days...

Network Marketing has come a long way in the last 50 or so years. What used to be a "shady" or questionable industry has now turned in a multi-national multi-billion dollar industry.

What used to be thought of as a "Pyramid Scheme" or "Get Rich Quick" scheme is now a legimate way to leverage the efforts of thousands of other people to create your income...

And now that you can get involved with Multi-National opportunities, you can *easily* build an income stream that comes in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year whether you continue working it or not.

So whether you are from the U.S, Canada, Japan, Israel or India, it no longer matters. The new Network Marketing companies let you do business anywhere. About the only country that does not allow Network Marketing is China where they *still* consider it a "Pyramid Scheme." (However, Russia has embraced it with open arms!)

Network Marketing can be broken up into two parts - "recruiting" which is finding other people to join your business and do the same thing you are doing - and "retail" which is selling or marketing a product or service.

As you sell the product, you make a commission. As you bring people into the business, you will start earning a percentage of the commission that THEY make.

So if you bring 3 people in, and they bring 9 people in, you will receive a percentage of all the sales that all 12 of those people make. The bigger your team of people you bring in, the bigger your commission check.

This is easily demonstrated by drawing circles. Draw a circle and draw two circles underneath it. Now draw two circles under each one of them...

Keep doing this 9 or 10 levels deep. Now go back to that top circle. That is YOU. You make a commission on ALL the little circles underneath you.

That is Network Marketing... That is the POWER of Network Marketing....

Before the Internet age, it used to take 10-15 years to build a team large enough that you could "walk away" from and it would continue to build without you. And this was with an income of $25,000 - $50,000 per month. Not bad...

When the Internet sprang onto the scene, the time was shortened to 3 - 5 years to build that same income. Not bad considering most people spend their whole lives working and never see that kind of income....

As you know, I *LOVE* multiple streams of income. I am always looking for additional opportunities to make "easy" money using the power of the Internet to leverage my actions...

I recently stumbled across an opportunity at that has me staying awake at night!

A Network Marketing company without SALES or RETAIL?

I fell out of my chair when I ran across it! A Network Marketing company that did not require you to go out and sell the product... And only required you to find TWO other people to join the business...

And the compensation plan is phenomenal... The span has now been shortened from years to MONTHS and, as we are currently seeing, even WEEKS....

Six figures A MONTH in 16 weeks?

Go to the Business Plan section of and scroll down to the middle of the screen to Potential Monthly Earnings.

Too good to be true?

I have never ever seen a compensation plan like this one. The plan is simple:
1. Enroll and get started on an autoship.
2. Within 7 days, get 2 people to do the same.
3. Help those 2 people to repeat step #2 above.

Did you notice I didn't say anything about selling a product or service?

Did you also notice I didn't say repeat again after you get those 2 people?

That's right! The autoship is for your consumption. That's it. Although the product is amazing, that is not what you are doing with this business...

Your job is simply to do the 3 steps above...

Now look at the Potential Earnings once again...

Don't think it is possible?

Draw some more circles...

Draw a circle with two circles underneath. Then go down a level and continue drawing two circles underneath each one above it... Continue repeating for 16 levels...

What you will notice is that each level doubles the previous one.

This represents your network. You get 2 people in 7 days, they get 2 people in 7 days. Each week your team would double in size...

At the end of 20 weeks on that plan, your potential income is $181,00 per month! PER MONTH...

But it gets better....

We joined this opportunity on Wednesday, September 14th, 2005. Within 24 HOURS, we had our two recruits. Within 48 hours, we had 6 people on our team. Within 72 hours, we had 10.. Within 4 days - 16...

Our numbers are not doubling once a week, but almost once a day..

In the three other companies we are involved with, it took us MONTHS to see the kind of growth we've seen in just 4 days....

Now go back to the Potential Monthly Earnings. Four days into this business and we are already on track for week 4.

Still don't believe it?

I am about to completely blow your mind!

So I said I'd tell you how to do it in 30 days...

The magic of this opportunity is that once somebody joins, you have your entire upline building underneath YOU... They can - AND WILL - place people underneath YOU...

That is how this team is built - straight down. So when people up above recruit more than 2, they get placed down the line... underneath the new people..

But guess what... If you have not personally recruited your two people yet, you will miss out on those overrides..

With everybody coming into the business realizing that, they find two more people REALLY FAST... Most in 24 hours or less...

After that, they are done. Really... Yes, seriously...

So do the math... Double your business every 24 hours...

And once you maxed out at $181,000 per month in your first 30 days, you can find two more people and do it all over again...

Or not...

Team Leadership: Just Remember To Pull Them, Don't Push Them

This article is primarily directed toward people who work at home
in a business that happens to involve network marketing.

I am often contacted by members of my business team with
complaints regarding a lack of response or lack of action on the
part of their affiliates. Their complaints typically go
something like..."I send out lots of emails to all of them and I
very rarely get any response and it seems like very few of them
are taking any action. What am I doing wrong?".

There are many types of internet-based home businesses where
feedback and interaction are quite important and getting an
affiliate or business team member to communicate with you is a
definite objective. It's not at all surprising that this can be
a challenge when you stop to think that what you are trying to do
is initiate a dialog between two complete strangers who have
never even seen each other.

In the case of network marketing, it is of critical importance to
build a sense of trust with your team members. Network marketing
is very definitely a relationship business and each relationship
typically starts out with two complete strangers sitting at their
respective keyboards.

The team building aspect of network marketing is of vital
importance to the success of each individual member and to the
team as a whole. Two key elements of team building are trust and
confidence and these factors play a very large role, particularly
for new team members.

With all that being said, many people love the IDEA of making good
money working at home in their own business and expect it to just
"happen", but have no willingness to take any action or put forth
any effort to make it happen.

Having been involved with team building and network marketing for
some time, I have come to adopt the following as my operating
credo..."if you have the desire and are willing to put in the
effort, I'll pull you along so you can go faster down the road to
success, but if you don't want move on your own, I'm not
going to waste my time trying to push you forward".

Its like working with a length of chain...pulling it along works
fine, but trying it push it forward only results in a pile of

You need to be able to distinguish between people that have a
legitimate interest in developing a home based business and
those lost souls that feel that they have just joined another
chat group and only want to engage in an endless "debate" about
the virtues of whatever business you are promoting, but never
actually had any intention of establishing a will
have to develop your own method of reading people like this (its
mainly a sense of feel...sort of a belly button thing).

You can help someone reach for success...but you can't
reasonably expect to make them want to be successful. Its just
another variation of that very old and tired cliche...that "you
can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink".

Another way of looking at it is if you are trying to move people
forward, you pull them from in front (a leadership position), but
if you have to push them it will be from behind (not a position
of leadership).

Thursday 12 July 2012

3 Easy, Money Making Internet Business Models

Amid all the noise and hype on the Internet today, not many people realize that all the ideas and techniques you can find are petty much useless if you don't first understand your business model. In other words, even the most amazing Internet marketing technique will not work if you don't understand how to apply it to YOUR business.

The 3 most popular business models are:

1) Affiliate Marketing

This is perhaps the most popular one out there, since there are absolutely no barriers to entry. Almost anyone can sign-up for an affiliate program for free and start promoting the product or service on the Internet with hopes that someone will buy, giving them instant commissions. Affiliate marketers don't carry any risk, since they do not pay for the creation of the product, they do not handle customer service and they do not need any up-front investments.

When you consider that those are the top three things people want to avoid, it's no surprise that almost everyone and their neighbor promotes an affiliate program or another. In fact, if there is a single reason why the Internet today is so proliferated with ads and banners, it's because of affiliate programs.

Even though there are so many affiliate marketers out there, only 5% ever make any money and only 1% makes big money. The "Super Affiliates" do it very differently from all the other millions; therefore they earn the big checks.

You can get a good idea of how to be a good affiliate marketer here:

2) E-book and Information Publishing

Sitting at the other end of the spectrum, e-book authors need to be more disciplined in their approach to Internet marketing. Of course, they also need to invest more than affiliates do. While affiliates can get away trying to "get something for nothing" the same is not true for the e-book type of business.

If you're thinking about publishing and selling your own e-book online, and you think it's going to be easy, think again. You'll need to learn a lot more than affiliates are required to. You'll need to spend some amount of money getting your business up and running. However, when you do it right, the payoff in this online business model is much more rewarding.

The reason why e-book marketers and "Infopreneurs" make more money is simple; they have very, very low production and maintenance costs. Anything digital doesn't cost a single cent to be produced in millions if necessary. Whatever initial start-up costs spent can be covered by selling just a few copies of high-margin e-books, and you can even recruit an army of affiliates who are more than willing to do all the selling for you.

Of course, it's not as easy as it sounds, but the point is, when done properly, the "E-book Publishing" model is a truly profitable business.

You can learn more about e-book publishing at

3) Internet Based Network Marketing

I've heard many people say that the Internet and network marketing are a match made in heaven. In my opinion, though, almost 90% of people get it wrong when it comes to Internet based network marketing. People in this business usually think they're talking about network marketing, but in reality they are talking about affiliate marketing.

They try to make the Internet do all the work. They hide behind their computers and pretend everything's going great. They focus on selling more and more every month. They have systems that are so complicated only they can understand it. Well, that doesn't sound like network marketing to me!

Internet based network marketing is simple if you understand it, and are willing to put in the effort. The role of the Internet here is only to get you the names and contact details of people you can talk to, after which YOU, not a computer, has to build a relationship with these people and help them to start their own business.

For this simple purpose, it is not necessary for you to have a high-tech system and pretend that your auto responder is building relationships for you. It's not going to work. The key is to have simple systems that are duplicable, something you can teach to all those people you have built a relationship with. For this purpose I use NetMarkPro at and teach my own affiliates to use it too.

E-book authors, no matter what they say, have no obligation to teach you their "Secret Strategies to Become a Millionaire” of any variations to that. The reason is simple; why tell you the absolute truth when you'll end up as their competitor? No one wants more competitors, right?

Internet based network marketing is very much the opposite of that. You HAVE to tell people EVERYTHING you know or your business will never take off. For this reason alone, I always recommend that if you're new to the online world, you need to first join an Internet based network marketing business at least to learn. Rest assured, no one will be selling you half-baked truths when their success ultimately depends on yours.

These are the Top 3 most popular online business models today. There are more, of course, and you can read about it at

No matter which model you choose, make sure you understand the basics, and stop listening to and buying things that are not applicable to your business. Information overload can stop you before you even get started.

Three Very Key Aspects Of Successful Network Marketing

Network marketing has many aspects, but promotion, persistence,
and patience are three key elements which are critical to
achieving successful results.

PROMOTION is the lifeblood of network marketing. Whether you
are using online methods or offline methods, or a combination of
both, you must constantly strive to get your offering in front of
a targeted audience.

There are thousands of published sources that deal with specific
methods of network marketing (both online and offline), but the
key point to be made here is that you must have an active
promotion campaign designed to bring in a steady stream of new
prospective downline members.

PERSISTENCE is a key element in network marketing success.
You've gotta "just keep on keepin' on", even though frustation
levels can be quite high at times.

After you have been at it a while, and have a downline large
enough to provide reasonably accurate statistics, you will
probably find that about 95% of your downline members are dormant
and do nothing at all. Its easy to get down in the dumps or take
it personally when you encounter so many "do nothing" people.

Therefore, it is really important work with and actively support
the 5% or so that are serious about participating. And clearly,
an active and effective promotion campaign will continue to
bring in increasing numbers of potential participants so that
while 5% is small on a percentage basis, it can still be a
sizeable amount from a pure numbers standpoint.

PATIENCE is vital. You can expect that it will take about a year
before the awsome power of geometric growth kicks in.

A classic illustration of geometric growth is the frequently used
penny-a-day example.

If you save one penny on the first day, and double it every
successive day, (day two you have 2 pennies and day three you have
4 pennies, and so on) how much will you have at the end of
30 days? The answer, to the astonishment of many, is $5,368,708!
Amazing, but true.

Its a sad statistic that most network marketers fail and it is
often traceable to the fact that they did not exhibit enough
persistence and patience to continue constantly promoting their
business for the year or so that is required for success.

Network marketers that stick with it for a year or more often end
up becoming the proverbial "heavy hitters".

In closing, I would like to encourage you to increase your chances
of becoming a successful network marketer by always keeping a
clear focus on "the three P's" of Promotion, Persistence, and

The MLM Revolving Door Syndrome

In the 15+ years I've been involved with network marketing, the number of people who come and go never cease to amaze me! Sometimes it seems like a revolving door.

On the positive side, thousands of new people discover network marketing all the time. They have always wanted to start their own business and are attracted by the huge income potential of MLM. Or they need a part-time source of income. Or, perhaps they've been caught up in the huge, never-ending layoffs and corporate downsizing that seem to be a permanent part of the new information-driven economy. They see network marketing as a way to escape the Rat Race forever!

Whatever the reason, they are entering this industry in droves. And that is good news for you and I!

On the negative side, however, most of these people flounder around for months, or even years, like a fish out of water, and never really discover how to make network marketing work for themselves. They buy into too much of the hype and half-truths that seem to proliferate in MLM advertising, expecting a large income in just a few months without much work or investment.

Unfortunately, some of us continue to promote this image of network marketing, even though we know it is completely untrue!

Perhaps that explains why so many newcomers believe that all they have to do to be successful is just send out a bunch of spammy emails and the money will come rolling in!

I've spent a lot of time and effort showing the newcomers in my downline the kind of work that is necessary for success. But all too often, these newcomers pay little attention to it. They've seen all the ads telling them that they don't have to do any work, that a certain program practically builds itself, or their upline will be giving them massive amounts of spillover.

They don't seem to understand that this is a business, not a chain letter game. And all too often, this is partly our fault. Some of us are so eager to sign up new distributors that we'll tell them anything.

So our MLM newcomer may run out and send out a few over-hyped, anonymous emails to a cheap list and then wait for the money to roll in.

When nothing happens, our unhappy newcomer then decides "the program doesn't work." (How many times have you received an MLM mailing with the words "This one really works" in the subject line? I get them all the time).

That starts our newcomer on a frustrating journey from one MLM program to another. They may join 5 or 6 all at once on the theory that at least one must work! They may sign up under a sponsor that promotes the "program of the month," and jump into everything new that comes out. Never does it enter their mind that "programs" neither work nor don't work!

What does or does not work is their personal success system. A good network marketer can earn a huge income in even the worst of programs, with the poorest compensation plans. But the best program in the world is not going to work for someone who doesn't understand how to be a successful network marketer and businessperson!

Some of these people finally do learn how to be successful. Usually it is only after wasting a lot of time and money. Unfortunately, most people finally quit in disgust and go out and give network marketing a bad name to their friends and family! And that makes it all the harder for the rest of us.

How many prospects have you talked to who tell you that their best friend "lost his shirt" in one of those "MLM pyramid scams?"

Contrary to popular belief, it takes training and education and investment to become a successful network marketer. No doctor was born with the knowledge of how to practice medicine. Nor was any successful network marketer born with the knowledge of successful recruiting and downline support.

Network marketing requires knowledge of effective marketing techniques, salesmanship, and basic business skills. If you are doing it online, it also requires computer and Internet skills, too.

On top of that, it requires the ability to work with people, the ability to follow a plan, discipline, and ongoing investment.

Fortunately, with the proper training, none of this is very difficult to learn. We hear a lot about "duplication" in this industry. And that is really all duplication is: learning effective techniques, using them, and teaching your downline to do exactly the same thing.

As professionals, it is essential that we pass that along to the downline we are building. I am tired of seeing so many newcomers pass through the revolving door. And I'm tired of hearing people refer to our business as a "pyramid scam."

Network marketing is a wonderful business. Almost anyone can learn to do it effectively and profitably if they are taught and if they have the desire.

It offers average people the means to a large income without a large initial investment. (But that doesn't mean it doesn't require investment). And it offers us the personal freedom and time to pursue other goals in life, unlike most corporate jobs.

This is the real message we should be sharing with prospects, not the hype that abounds online. We may sponsor a few less people. But I suspect that we won't be sponsoring so many people that are in and out of the revolving door giving our business a bad name.